How to Keep Warm Camping

How to Keep Warm Camping

For us, winter adventures are just as good if not better than their summer-y counterparts. But we’ll admit - the cold can be a party crasher. So, to keep spirits high on your next chilly escape, we’ve rounded up all the best tips and tricks to keep you warm and snug during those icy nights under the stars. 


Clothes that’ll keep you warm camping

Man and women sitting on rock outside tent wearing Merino thermals and fleece midlayer

Merino Base Layers

When it comes to staying toasty, Merino wool base layers are the real MVPs. These natural baselayers prove that high-tech, high-performance gear doesn’t have to cost the earth. 

We opt for Merino not only because it’s a sustainable choice but because it’s thermogenic. Which means it will keep you warm when it’s cold but if you start to , heat up, they’ll also cool you down. Merino wool is also breathable, odour-resistant and is naturally flame-resistant. All things you want in a camping set-up.

Socks for happy feet

Cold feet are the ultimate mood dampener. Wrap those toes up in warm, moisture-wicking socks, preferably made from - you guessed it - Merino wool.

Our tip: Say no to cotton socks (no matter how fluffy and comfy they seem). They’re the cold’s best friend and don’t allow your feet to breathe.

Puff up with insulating layers

Puffer jackets or insulated midlayers are your cold weather BFFs. Cuddle up on cold nights in these for a cloud of warmth without the weight. 

Rain Jackets

Winter weather can be a wild ride. Arm yourself with a waterproof, windproof rain jacket to tackle rain or snow conditions. Look for raincoats that are also breathable so you can stay dry without feeling like you’ve hit the sauna.

The small but mighty accessories

When trying to stay warm while camping, don’t forget about your extremities. Keep your hands and noggin warm with Merino wool gloves or wind proof gloves and throw on a beanie for good measure. These little heroes prevent heat from making a run for it.

Women pulling up windproof gloves in the forest

Tent and camp set-up 

Our top tips for turning your tent into a winter paradise.

  • Opt for a four-season tent. They’re built to handle the cold. Bonus tip, look for tents with a fullcoverage rainfly for extra protection against the wind and precipitation
  • Pop an insulating pad or an extra layer (like excess clothes) under your sleeping bag. 
  • Set-up camp in a cosy spot away from the wind. If there’s a spot where the sun can give your tent a warm morning hug, even better. Try not to set-up near spots where stuff can fall onto your tent like branches or snow.
  • Grab a sleeping bag with a winter-happy rating for extra warmth. A mummy-style bag will also keep things snug. You can also up the warmth-ante with a Merino sleeping bag liner.
  • Just like your clothes, make sure to layer-up inside the tent. Rock some thermals and a midlayer and keep a warm hat nearby. Shed layers if you get too tasty during the night.


Don’t forget about nutrition

Women using portable cooker outside tent.

Staying warm isn’t just about the right gear. It’s also about what you put into your belly. Pack calorie-dense snacks and warm drinks to keep your internal furnace burning. 

Hot chocolate anyone?


Stay active, stay warm

When you get to camp on a chilly night, it’s easy to just huddle up inside and do nothing. Our advice - keep moving.

Physical activity helps generate hear, so take short walks or do some light exercises to keep that warmth flowing. Just be mindful of your surroundings and the terrain. We don’t want you lunging your way to the edge of a cliff…


Keep warm camping in winter

Staying warm while camping is simple really. Layer up, choose quality gear, and don’t forget about the extremities. 

Here’s to epic winter nights under the stars. 

We'll see you out there.